Programma Visiting Scholar
Il Centro Universitario di Bioetica (University Center for Bioethics) ha istituito il programma di Visiting Scholar, rivolto a studiosi (dottoranti, post-doc, ricercatori, professori), provenienti da tutto il mondo, che svolgano attività di studio e ricerca sui temi di carattere bioetico e biogiuridico (filosofi, giuristi, biologi, medici, letterati, informatici, ingegneri…). Il Visiting avrà a disposizione una propria postazione ufficio e la possibilità di usufruire dei servizi dell’Università di Parma (accesso alle banche dati, alle biblioteche, possibilità di assistere a corsi di insegnamento e attività seminariale). Lo scopo del programma è quello di offrire agli studiosi interessati la possibilità di imparare, sviluppare e portare avanti le loro ricerche, nell’ambito di un contesto del tutto interdisciplinare e aperto al confronto e allo scambio culturale. Per partecipare, occorre inviare la propria candidatura a con un breve CV, possibili date di permanenza e un abstract del progetto/delle attività in corso di svolgimento. |
The University Center for Bioethics has established the Visiting Scholar program, aimed at scholars (PhD students, post-docs, researchers, professors) from all over the world, who carry out study and research on bioethical and bio-legal issues (philosophers, lawyers, biologists, doctors, humanists, computer scientists, engineers...). The Visiting will have their own office space and the possibility to use the services of the University of Parma (access to databases, libraries, possibility to attend teaching courses and seminars). The purpose of the Visiting Scholar program is to offer interested scholars the opportunity to learn, to develop and to carry out their research, in an interdisciplinary context open to cultural exchange. To participate, you should send your application to with a brief CV, possible dates of stay, and an abstract of your current project/activities.
The visiting scholars so far..
September - December 2021 Janna Nobrega is a criminal lawyer. She holds an LL.M degree in Public Law from the University Carlos III of Madrid. She is also a researcher, assistant professor and a PhD candidate in the Department of juridic history, criminological and criminal sciences at the University of Murcia. Her research has been focused on various topics in neurolaw, most of them related to the philosophical and ethical issues surrounding the use of neuroscience for the future of criminal justice and prison reform. She is currently working on her dissertation, "ADHD, neuroscience and the justice system: a study of criminal liability of adults and minors". |